This is where my milk comes from. |
Just thought I'd share the good news.
From the Organic Pastures Dairy Company website:
"December 16, 2011, Fresno, CA – OPDC Raw Milk Product tests prove Negative For E.Coli 0157-H7
After a month long quarantine and investigation, Organic Pastures Dairy has been cleared for release of quarantine. Hundreds of product and facility environmental samples were taken and all test results showed NEGATIVE for E. Coli 0157-H7 and were found pathogen free.
OPDC was advised today that the last pending CDFA test came back NEGATIVE."
Sadly, I read on the OPDC Facebook page that this month-long recall has cost the company over $500,000. Hopefully high sales for the rest of the year will help them recoup some of that. I can't wait to pick up my 3 gallons of raw milk and 5 pounds of raw cheese that I ordered!